The tourist visa extended to 90 days in Cuba

(Havana) Visitors to Cuba can benefit since Tuesday from a 90-day tourist visa, renewable once, against a period of thirty days previously, according to the authorities.

Posted yesterday at 9:57

“From 1er November of this year, the validity of the tourist visa is extended to 90 days on the national territory – renewable only once for the same duration – which allows foreign visitors to extend their stay in Cuba”, announced on Saturday on Twitter Tourism Minister Juan Carlos Garcia Granda.

Cuba, which has 11.2 million inhabitants, is counting on tourism, a provider of foreign currency, to revive its economy hard hit by the consequences of the pandemic and the strengthening of American sanctions.

But the objective of attracting 2.5 million visitors by the end of 2022 was revised downwards on Wednesday by the government, which now expects 1.7 million tourists, according to the state daily Granma.

Since the beginning of the year, 1 million tourists have visited the largest island in the Caribbean, according to the same source. In 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic, more than 4.2 million tourists visited the island.

That same year, tourism brought in $2.645 billion in revenue to Cuba.

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