the Toulouse-Stade Français match postponed, the Boxing Day knocked out. by the Covid-19

This is the 4th match of the 13th day postponed due to positive cases within the clubs of the French rugby championship.

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The Covid-19 does not make a gift to the Top 14. The meeting between the Stade Toulousain and the Stade Français, scheduled for Sunday December 26 for the 13th day of the French championship, has been postponed due to several cases of Covid-19 in the Parisian workforce. A fourth postponement for this Boxing Day, after those of Brive-Clermont, Racing 92-Pau and Toulon-Union Bordeaux-Bègles.

With this postponement, Boxing Day loses its main poster of the day. Only three of the seven meetings scheduled for Sunday and Monday are still on the program: Perpignan-Castres (Sunday at 6 p.m.), Biarritz-Montpellier (Monday at 7 p.m.) and La Rochelle-Lyon (Sunday at 9:05 p.m.).

Boxing Day has been in place since 2009 in the Top 14, taking up the English tradition of a championship day on Boxing Day. It allows in particular to take advantage of the media absence of the French football championship, on hiatus over the same period. But this year, the Covid-19 deprives French supporters of a large part of the meetings.

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