the totally unexpected announcement of former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin!

Last February, on BFM TV, Ségolène Royal advised Anne Hidalgo to retire. “She must take responsibility. In her place, I would stop”launched the former Minister of Education and socialist candidate for the 2007 presidential election, before judging “obvious” that the “useful vote on the left”was played by Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“He is the one who is doing the best campaign. He is smoothing over what could displease him. He is able to answer all the questions. He is structured, cultured. He has the experience of a presidential campaign. He knows how to take blows. He is the most solid “she confided about the head of La France Insoumise.

In a message posted on his official Twitter account, the main interested party had warmly thanked Ségolène Royal.

A blow for Anne Hidalgo who, in her own political family, is struggling to find big support. Fortunately, she can now count on the pretty statement, via a press release, from Lionel Jospin. The former Prime Minister let it be known on March 27 that he intended to give him his way.

See also: Miss France 2022: Ohana, the beauty queen’s hidden baby!


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