the toll reassessed at 62 dead

This number could rise further, as research continues, particularly in certain rural areas which have villages that are difficult to access.



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A ruined market on January 3, 2024 in Wajima (Japan), after the earthquakes which shook the archipelago two days earlier.  (MASANORI INAGAKI / YOMIURI / AFP)

The toll continues to climb. The earthquake, followed by numerous tremors, which hit central Japan on New Year’s Day, left at least 62 dead, according to a new provisional report released on Wednesday January 3. The latest report showed 48 deaths.

This toll could rise further, because the search is expected to last a long time, with certain rural areas having villages that are difficult to access, especially due to the state of the roads. Many people could still be trapped in the rubble of their homes, according to NHK television channel.

Unfavorable weather

Authorities warned of heavy rain throughout the day and possible landslides that would complicate the search for survivors throughout the disaster zone, the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture.

Located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Japan is one of the countries with the most frequent earthquakes in the world. The Japanese archipelago is haunted by the memory of the terrible 9.0 magnitude earthquake followed by a giant tsunami in March 2011 on its northeastern coasts, a disaster which left some 20,000 people dead or missing.

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