The tocsin for the future of the planet

The latest IPCC report sounds the tocsin for the future of our planet. It should come as no surprise. The advancement of science since the industrial period has given us the means to grow without limits and above all without a plan, depending on the value of the markets.

We have developed complex and interdependent systems whose ramifications now form a vast labyrinth to which no one has the key. We can walk into it and keep expanding it, but we can’t go back out of it.

The questions to be resolved are numerous and also interrelated and difficult. They are called: overpopulation, urban development (sprawl and transport), decarbonization of the atmosphere, waste disposal, drinking water supply, land depletion, green agriculture, cattle breeding, development of clean and renewable energy sources, reduction of the car fleet and so on.

Unfortunately, engineering firms have forgotten, year after year, to include instructions for countering the harmful effects of their plans on populations and their habitat.

However, our habitat conditions our way of life, culture and its sustainability.

Where then do we head in what looks like a rescue-who-can?

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