the timetable for lifting the restrictions will be “respected”, confirms Gabriel Attal


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The government spokesperson, however, calls for caution because “we remain at very high levels” of circulation of Covid-19.

“We are going to respect the timetable that we presented to the French, with a lifting of the restrictions in two stages, that is to say tomorrow [mercredi 2 février] and then the 16″ February, confirmed government spokesperson Gabriel Attal on Tuesday February 1 on franceinfo. “Tomorrow, it concerns wearing a mask outdoors, compulsory teleworking and gauges at major events”, he recalled.

Despite this, “you have to be very careful” because “trend reversal” contamination “is still fragile”, “that we remain at very high levels” circulation of Covid-19 and that“we know that there are questions asked about the BA.2 sub-variant, which is also very contagious”, he pointed out.

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As for the health protocol at school, “we announced that it would be adapted to the start of the February holidays and indeed, we are going to work on a reduction, it is not a question of strengthening it”. The subject will be discussed during the health defense council scheduled for Wednesday. Two options are on the table, said Emmanuel Macron’s entourage on Monday. Either a reduction from February 21, on the return from zone B, or a reduction from March 7, once all the zones have returned. The first option appears “more logical”, said the same source.


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