The time has come for voters to choose


Video length: 3 min

2024 Legislative Elections: The Time Has Come for Voters to Choose
2024 Legislative Elections: The Time Has Come for Voters to Choose
(France 2)

If Emmanuel Macron intended to reshuffle the cards with these early legislative elections, the French feel on the contrary rather jostled. Friday June 28, France Télévisions gives the floor to voters, including the undecided.

Time to choose. In Melun (Seine-et-Marne), abstention exceeded 60% during the European election on June 9. For the legislative elections on Sunday June 30, some are still refining their vote and claiming to watch “some elements” to make their choice. While for others, the choice is clear: “I vote New Popular Front”says a resident with pride. “It is the only party in the electoral field which guarantees a social policy”he adds. Other voters are turning to the National Rally to express, according to them, exasperation.

This RN wave also affects, unexpectedly, Brittany. In Carnac (Morbihan), a retiree who voted for Les Républicains claims to be moving towards the extreme right “to help them”. On the beach, an undecided waitress says she doesn’t feel represented by any candidate. For some, it doesn’t matter what the vote is, the most important thing is not to abstain. In a company in Saint-Martin-du-Var (Alpes-Maritimes), the boss is offering a bonus of 50 euros per person to encourage them to vote in the two rounds, on June 30 and July 7.

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