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Clémentine Autain, deputy LFI, is the guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Thursday, October 13.
Sandrine Rousseau wants a “general strike” against a backdrop of tensions over fuels. “It cannot be decreed. I would like there to be a mobilization of trade union forces, political forces and also citizen mobilization”explains Clémentine Autain, deputy LFI, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Thursday, October 13. “We must converge, join our forces, with the unions who are organizing the strike, we who are leading the battle in the National Assembly. Our common responsibility is to make the protest grow to make the government back down”she adds, assuring: “Of course the time for arm wrestling has come”.
What to do with inflation? “We must block the prices of basic necessities, we must increase the Smic and the social minima so that there is then a wage conference which makes it possible to reschedule all wages and we must tax profits, dividends, to bring money into the public budget, with a tax reform”wants to believe Clémentine Autain.
Is there a problem around Jean-Luc Mélenchon within La France insoumise? “It’s not our subject”sweeps the deputy LFI.