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“The Tiger and the President” recounts an episode in the history of France when Paul Deschanel, a somewhat lunar politician, becomes President of the Republic under the nose and beard of Georges Clémenceau. President to volatilizes while traveling by train. The film is carried by the performances of Jacques Gamblin and Andre Dussollier.
In the movie The Tiger and the President, James Gamblin interprets Paul Deschanel, President of the Republic from February to September 1920. “He’s someone who was pushed around, ridiculed, insulted and completely forgotten by the history books”details the actor. However, the mandate of the Head of State was marked by an enigmatic incident. On May 23, 1920, Paul Deschanel is expected in Montbrison (Loire) to inaugurate a war memorial. So he takes a night train, but the next morning, arriving in Roanne (Loire)the President has disappeared.
Sleepwalking due to medication, the President actually fell on the tracks. This then greatly inspired the press of the time as well as the singers. The anecdote put in parentheses the nevertheless promising beginnings of the brilliant academician. To everyone’s surprise, he won the election against a historical figure, that of Georges Clémenceau. At the time, the President was elected by the National Assembly, in which the eloquence of Paul Deschanel seduced. He didn’t have the time or the power to implement his avant-garde ideas. The film has the merit of rehabilitating a visionary but blundering President.