the thunderous rant of Gims against his Muslim fans!

At the beginning of the year 2022, the hour is rant for Gims. The interpreter of “Sapés like never” was illustrated by a remarkable exit on social networks. Dadju’s big brother has indeed denounced on Instagram the practices of some Muslim Internet users during the holiday season. “Please leave me with the ‘happy new year, new year’ … leave me with that. You know I never answered that and you keep sending me ‘Happy New Years’. In addition, muslims stop it, we have the same convictions! They are the ones who send most of the ‘Happy New Years’. Brothers, we don’t celebrate that (…). No guys, it’s not part of our beliefs“, got annoyed by DemDem’s husband.

The rapper made the same criticism regarding the birthday celebrations. “I’m suffering with it. It’s one more step towards death. We don’t celebrate it. It’s not part of our beliefs, come on let’s focus on our own stuff. It’s not mean. But let’s stay strong on our values ​​”, railed on the ex-member of Sexion d’Assaut.

Following this virulent rant, some internet users did not fail to tackle the 35-year-old singer by pointing out certain contradictions. “Alcohol, woman, and so on in his clips and he yells because people of good faith wish him a happy new year, you have to question yourself”, denounced another Internet user. Another mocked his attitude as well. “It will be reminded in Gims that music is prohibited in the practice of Islam. If his faith is greater than greed, our ears should be saved by 2022 “.

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