the threshold of 200,000 cases of contamination in 24 hours crossed in France

The new Minister of Health, François Braun, announced on Tuesday that the number of contaminations “should slightly exceed 200,000” over the last 24 hours.

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The number of daily cases of Covid-19 contamination rose to more than 206,000 in 24 hours, according to data from Public Health France published on Tuesday July 5.

A little earlier in the day, the new Minister of Health, François Braun, had announced during a hearing at the National Assembly that the number of contaminations “expected to slightly exceed 200,000” over the last 24 hours. The precise figure published by the health authorities reports 206,554 cases.

The seventh epidemic wave “increasing in recent days” and “we are registering around 120,000 cases [par jour] on average in the last week”he also warned at the start of a discussion on the bill “monitoring and health security”.

Faced with a virus that “circulates more and faster, we must protect the population and ensure the impact of this recovery on the health system”pleaded the minister before the Law Commission.

François Braun also noted the increase in admissions to conventional hospital wards and, to a lesser extent, to critical care. The emergency physician, however, stressed that until then she had been “far below the January peak” and without comparison with previous waves, “on an even greater scale”.

“However, we are extremely attentive to the evolution of the situation in the context that we know about the hospital”continued the new Minister of Health.

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