the three police officers involved will be tried at the assizes, after the rejection of their appeal

It is because the victim is now disabled for life that the police officers will be tried by an Assize Court, a criminal court competent to judge the crimes.

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They appealed, hoping to be tried in a criminal court, but their request was not followed. The three police officers involved in the violent arrest of Théo Luhaka, who in 2017 relaunched the debate on police violence, will be tried before an assize court for “willful violence”, franceinfo learned from a judicial source and from Me Antoine Vey, the victim’s lawyer, Thursday, November 18. The order of indictment refers to the assizes the main accused for “violence resulting in mutilation or permanent disability”, and the three officials for “willful violence” with the aggravating circumstance that this violence was committed by persons holding public authority.

Théodore Luhaka, 22 at the time, was seriously injured by a baton in the rectal area. It is because he is now disabled for life that the police officers will be tried by an Assize Court, a criminal court competent to judge crimes.

On February 2, 2017, shortly before 5 p.m., Théo was arrested in the city of 3,000 in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis), a scene filmed by CCTV cameras. While the police try to immobilize him, the young man struggles and then collapses. He is then taken a few meters away, out of the field of the camera.

Five days after the events and their national impact, Théo Luhaka had received a visit to the hospital from François Hollande, then President of the Republic. On his bed, the young man had appealed for calm, after tensions during support rallies.

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