The third link | The duty

Prime Minister Legault adds a new element to what can only be called the vaudeville soap opera of the third link concerning Quebec and its suburbs: he allegedly has the means to build the tramway as it is proposed almost unanimously by all the experts and the third motorway link deemed unjustified by these same experts. Yes, yes, both projects. However, the announced deficit of 11 billion dollars contradicts this assertion and, otherwise, the poor state of the health system, the shortage of teachers afflicting the school system, the lack of judges slowing down the proper exercise of the judicial system (and this list is not exhaustive) confirm the inadequacy of such a promise. So, how can we explain that Mr. Legault dares to allow such a project to begin, when his government is incapable of honoring its main missions, and thus undermines the future of Quebec?

By the way, this electoral gift that Quebec suburbs are about to enjoy will be financed by all Quebec taxpayers. It might be time for us all to feel concerned and to react collectively against this madness driven by the lowest calculations.

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