the third dose of vaccine, an effective solution?


France 3

Article written by

M. Dana, France 3 Régions, A. Canestraro – France 3

France Televisions

While President Emmanuel Macron will speak on Tuesday, November 9 during a televised address, the subject of the third dose returns to the front of the stage.

What if the third booster dose becomes mandatory? This is one of the hypotheses put forward while President Emmanuel Macron will speak, Tuesday, November 9, to millions of French people during a televised address. For some time now, this booster dose, mainly addressed to seniors and immunocompromised people, has been increasingly applied. But the figures remain average: while 7.7 million eligible people, only 3.3 million booster doses have been used.

The government is considering applying conditions for obtaining the pass sanitary. Among the conditions, the booster dose against Covid-19. A way to encourage vaccination among seniors and people with co-morbidities. “We must improve vaccination coverage”, confides the Professor Jean-Daniel Hare, head of the infectious diseases department of the hospital Henri-mondor, in Créteil. A new dose that could be applied over the long term to the entire population in order to strengthen the immune defenses, which are less effective over time.


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