The Thionville Flea Tower Museum

Flea Tower Museum

Located in the historic center of the city of Thionville, the Tour aux Puces Museum welcomes you in an exceptional architectural setting. You are presented with remarkable archaeological collections discovered in the Pays Thionvillois, and enhanced by a modern museography combining clarity and pedagogy. You will thus discover the lifestyles of the local populations from Prehistory to the Renaissance.

Former keep of the castle that the counts of Luxembourg erected in Thionville towards the end of the 11th century, the Tour aux Puces is an original building with fourteen sides listed in the supplementary inventory of historical monuments.

This tower, which has housed the town museum since 1905, takes its name from legends dear to the people of Thionvillois, namely that a princess was devoured by fleas within it, or that it was the last home of dogs. of the Emperor Charlemagne.

Website: Flea Tower Museum

OPENING TIME : Open all year Tuesday – Sunday: 14:00-18:00

Flea Tower Museum
Courtyard of the Castle

+33 3 82 82 25 52 / 49

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