the thermometer breaks monthly records in several cities in France

Thermometers turned red. Monthly temperature records were broken in several cities in France, particularly in the South, on Friday October 28, reports Météo France.

This was the case in Ger (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), with a peak of 33.2°C, almost two degrees higher than its previous record, dated October 13, 2019. Same thing for Campistrous, in the Hautes -Pyrénées (31.1°C), which had not reached such a high temperature since 2009 (29.8°C), or Courpiere in Puy-de-Dôme, which recorded 28.6°C, breaking the 2004 record (28.5°C).

As a general rule, the vast majority of temperatures recorded in the territory are well above seasonal standards. In Tarbes, the thermometer reached 31.8°C, 14°C higher than normal. Same thing in Biarritz, with a peak at 27.3°C (eight degrees higher), or in Strasbourg, where the temperature was 24.6°C (11 degrees higher).

“A few days before the end of this month of October, the average temperature anomaly already displays a value greater than 3°C. Very substantial value last reached in February 2020″said the meteorological service on its Twitter account.

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