the TF1 weather star shares an unexpected duet on stage with Julien Doré

Before performing tonight at the Zénith de Lille, Julien Doré set the Accor Arena in Paris on fire last night on Friday December 9. In a show that is still just as quirky, like the former winner of the Nouvelle Star, the singer took the audience on board in a score for which he alone holds the notes. And the interpreter of “Paris Seychelles” has again surprised his audience, in particular by inviting guests as exceptional as they are unusual with him. Whales that fly, Eddy de Pretto, Clara Luciani, Stéphane Bern or even Évelyne Dhéliat have indeed participated in the concert given in the capital. The TF1 weather star also warmly thanked and greeted his host on Twitter.

Magical concert by Julien Doré and an immense happiness for me to have been at his side on stage! A big thank you Julien for this “weather duo” congratulations for this show which leaves us with stars in our eyes! It was yesterday evening on the stage of the Accor Arena, Julien Doré ends his tour, tonight Lille tomorrow Brussels. What a joy for me to have shared the stage with him for a moment… for a wink in the weather! Monday I’ll see you on the “green background” TF1.”, wrote the septuagenarian in the caption of shots taken during this improbable duet.

Évelyne Dhéliat continues her fight against the disease

If most know her in front of a weather map, Évelyne Dhéliat also uses her notoriety to defend causes that are close to her heart. Last October, she was the godmother of Pink October, an annual communication campaign aimed at raising women’s awareness of breast cancer screening and raising funds for research. ” I said yes right away for a reason. I had heard doctors and specialists say that when certain people have a certain reputation and talk about it, it helps people and it helps to raise awareness. And of course myself who was touched by this diseasewhen I came back on the air, when I took off my wig, people said to me: ‘We followed you.’ And this is very important, it is in this sense that I do it “, she had indicated on LCI.


See also: Evelyne Dhéliat hit by cancer!

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