the TF1 and M6 groups abandon their merger project

This project, which was announced in May 2021does not present no more industrial logic” given the concessions claimed by the Competition Authority, they explain in a joint press release.

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The union will not take place. Bouygues, RTL Group, TF1 and the M6 ​​group announced, on Friday September 16, today put an end to the planned merger of the TF1 and M6 groups”. This project, which was announced in May 2021, does not presentno more industrial logic” taking into account the concessions requested by the Competition Authority, explain the four entities in a joint press release.

“Following the discussions with the Autorité and despite the additional remedies proposed, it appears that only structural remedies concerning at least the sale of the TF1 channel or the M6 ​​channel would be such as to allow the authorization of the operation “, they add. Consequently, the groups believe that this merger could not take place.

The four entities “deplore that the Competition Authority has not taken into account the extent and speed of changes in the French audiovisual sector”. “They remain convinced that the merger of the TF1 and M6 groups would have been an appropriate response to the challenges arising from the accelerated competition with international platforms”they continue.

The Competition Authority “takes note of the announcement made today by Bouygues to withdraw its plan to acquire exclusive control of the Métropole Télévision group”she reacted in the process on her site. The marriage of the two chains was to bring out an audiovisual juggernaut, which would have weighed around 75% television advertising revenue and 35% audience share.

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