Some discover for the first time the former Minister of Justice and architect of the abolition of capital punishment, who died at the age of 95.
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They are in their twenties and did not know this era when the death penalty existed but they were present at Place Vendôme, in Paris, to pay tribute to the former Minister of Justice of François Mitterrand. Moreover, this thought horrifies Marine, 21 years old. “I find it extremely difficult to imagine a France in which the death penalty still existed, she admits. If it hadn’t been for Robert Badinter, I think it might still be relevant.”
Julian is in his final year and he discovered Robert Badinter at his “first philosophy lesson” of the year. “We arrive and the professor explains to us the law of death. Indeed, it is immoral and we were able to have a debate on this subject, he says. And today, there are some young people who say that the death penalty could be good, but there should be no debate about this thing.”
Also present on Place Vendôme, many law students, more familiar with these struggles. For Martin, 19, it was the fight against anti-Semitism that marked him. “Qhen Robert Badinter makes this speech during the commemoration of the Vél’ d’Hiv’ roundup, it’s moving.”
“He is a man who succeeded in acting for the general interest throughout his life”
Martin, student,at franceinfo
At this tribute, many curious teenagers also discovered him for the first time. “This morning, I went on my artificial intelligence and asked who Robert Badinter was, confides a young girl present. It’s incredible what he did anyway.” Everyone ultimately agrees that he made history.