the testimony of Sylvie Arnaud, who fights for the release of her son Louis


Video duration:
3 mins

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – D.Sébastien, J.-P.Rivalain, B.Parayre

France Televisions

Just a year ago, Louis Arnaud was arrested in Iran, then imprisoned. Since then, his mother has been fighting for his release. Sylvie Arnaud agreed to testify for the 20 Hours, Thursday September 28.

For Sylvie Arnaud, Thursday September 28 marks a painful anniversary. Just a year ago, his son Louis, 36, was arrested in Iran with several traveling friends like him, arrested while the country was in the grip of violent demonstrations against the regime. Sylvie Arnaud has been fighting for her release since day one. After having no information at first, Sylvie Arnaud says she “gradually learned more, as the other people who had been arrested at the same time as him have summer releaseds“.

A support rally on Saturday

Mother says they were arrested after going to an amusement park and on their way to an escape room gameso nothing to do with the demonstrations“. He was then imprisoned. If “his conditions of detention have been relaxed since he left the high security unit where he was until mid-March“, “this lengthening wait makes the situation worse, because we don’t know why it lasts so long and how much longer it can last“, laments his mother. She nevertheless affirms, not without emotion, that she remains hopeful for his return. Iran is still holding around ten Westerners, including five French people. Saturday, Sylvie Arnaud will be in Paris for a rally in support of her son, so that we don’t forget him.

Among our sources:

Website of the support committee for Louis Arnaud, detained in Iran since September 28, 2023

Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on risk assessment for French nationals in Iran

source site-29