the testimony of Mia Schem, 21-year-old former Franco-Israeli hostage


Video length: 2 min

War between Israel and Hamas: the testimony of Mia Schem, 21-year-old former Franco-Israeli hostage

On October 7, Mia Schem was kidnapped by Hamas in Israel. Released at the end of November, the 21-year-old girl agreed to tell her ordeal on television. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L. Feuerstein, C. Ricco

France Televisions

On October 7, Mia Schem was kidnapped by Hamas in Israel. Released at the end of November, the 21-year-old girl agreed to tell her ordeal on television.

Mia Schem, the 21-year-old former Franco-Israeli hostage, was released on November 30, but the trauma is still there. Interviewed for the first time, she returned in two interviews to the difficult conditions of her detention, and made accusations. “I experienced a holocaust. Everyone there is a terrorist, these are families under the control of Hamas“, she says. On October 7, Mia was participating in a techno festival near Gaza, when Hamas terrorists appeared, massacring 270 people on the spot.

“It is forbidden to speak”

The young girl was injured in the arm during the assault. “It was really point blank“, she testifies. She was taken hostage and brought back to Gaza. In the Palestinian enclave, she says she was “locked in a dark room“.”It is forbidden to speak, you must not be seen, you must not be heard. You are hidden“, she continues. “People looked at me like I was an animal. I was constantly afraid that something would happen to me, that someone would touch me“, says Mia. For 54 days, she also says she was sometimes deprived of food and sleep.

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