the testimony of Marie, a former victim of bullying at school



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Marie was the victim of bullying in school when she was in fourth grade. She is now testifying about this difficult period and advising victims to speak out.

School bullying affects many young people in France. Marie was harassed when she was in fourth grade. “The rumor was that I was a slut, that I took pictures ole ole, that I gave my number to anyone”, she says. Quickly, she realizes that people were no longer talking to her. “I didn’t want to talk about it because I was ashamed, ashamed that there are things like that going around. Even if we haven’t done anything, we feel guilty”, she recalls.

Two to three weeks before the end of the course, the young girl preferred to stop her school year. “Coming back in September, it was completely over”, she explains. Marie remembers this difficult period that many students live in France and that she would like to advise. “If I had to talk to someone who is being bullied today, I would say ‘talk now and don’t wait. Because the longer you wait, the harder it gets.’, she testifies.

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