the testimony of an injured special forces member


France 2

Article written by

L. Delahousse, F. Lasserre, M. Beneteau – France 2

France Televisions

Falko is a member of the special forces. He is 30 years old and carried out four overseas operations before being injured in the Sahel. He woke up in a room at Percy Hospital, Clamartin the Hauts-de-Seine. He then understands very quickly that his life has just changed.

Last January, during a military operation in the Sahel, Sergeant falko is hit by an artisanal mine. When he woke up, after two days in a coma, he said he had a black hole. When he wakes up, he sees his mother in the hospital and he realizes that something has happened to her. “Some time later, I remembered being in the vehicle, that we were going to get back on the runway for the plane to pick us up and at that moment, boom, I don’t remember anything”he explains.

He lost his legs. Five months later, he returns home with prostheses. “We erased everything I knew about walking and relearned according to my body”, he says. “In an amputation, there is nothing serious. Two amputations, it’s a little more complicated but it’s the same, we can continue to walk, we can continue to live and life goes on“, testifies falko.

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