the testimony of a young dancer ulcerates internet users

It was this Tuesday, January 18, 2022 that France 2 broadcast the documentary “Blacks in France”. Directed by Alain Mabanckou and Aurélia Perreau, this documentary shed light on discrimination, ordinary racism and violence suffered by black people in France. For this, several personalities such as Yannick Noah, Soprano, journalist Karine Baste-Régis, director Jean-Pascal Zadi, but also anonymous people have spoken and delivered shocking and sad testimonies of acts of racism suffered during their lives. .

The documentary showed how the great black champions were victims of racism during their respective careers, and the case of the skater Surya Bonaly was, for example, discussed. We remember that in 1994, the French skater received the silver medal at the Olympic Games in Japan when her performance was considered the best. His skin color had most certainly influenced the jury, which had unfairly awarded him second place instead of first.

The testimony of a dancer shocks the web
It was then the turn of Kathy, a 22-year-old Bordeaux girl, who has been practicing classical dance since a very young age, to confide in her daily life. Hostess at the Bordeaux Opera, the young woman explained how she was discouraged from pursuing her career as a dancer. “A black swan, it’s a task” he was reportedly told after stating that there were no hip hop classes at the conservatory.

Kathy’s ordeal continued in dance class with obnoxious comments about her body type: “I was told that I was too arched, that my body was not adapted. It was ‘tidy up your buttocks’, there was always this extra shape that exceeded […] We believe that we have big buttocks, that our body is not made for classical dance, we say to ourselves that the person may be right”.

Finally, the young dancer made a terrible observation: “There is no material suitable for black skin, such as tights and pointe shoes. We have to adapt and do it ourselves”, she explained in full session of dyeing her freshly purchased material. Something to sadden and shock Internet users who have not failed to share their anger on Twitter.


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