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The Teste-de-Buch forest was ravaged by giant fires during the summer. What becomes of her? wildlife and flora arethey come back? Report in Gironde, Saturday October 1st.
It is still forbidden to drive in the Teste-de-Buch forest (Gironde)Saturday, October 1. The president of the local footwear association, Frédéric Mora, is among the few people able to return to the scene of the giant fire. “It’s a considerable danger, that’s why there is a municipal decree“, he says. In the burned area, hunting is still prohibited. Ferns reappeared. At the foot of trees the regrowth are numerous, like oaks and arbutus. Wildlife is also back. “Lots of foxes, we saw a few hares, we saw a few deer too”notes Frédéric Mora.
Environmental associations fear that this rebirth, natural but fragile, will be stopped by the forestry work that will be undertaken to remove the burnt wood. They dispute the felling of certain pines. “Trees, ferns, grasses, everything is growing back beautifully, even the shrubs“, observes Françoise Brangremember of the Bassin d’Arcachon ecology association, who adds that “the slightest heavily mechanized intervention will cause absolutely serious damage to this natural revival“.