the terrible story of a survivor of the bombing of Rafah

He escaped the worst during the Israeli strike on the Baraksat camp on Sunday. This Palestinian survivor recounts what he saw and lost there.


Reading time: 1 min

Palestinians gathered around the area struck by the Israeli army, May 27, 2024. (EYAD BABA / AFP)

The strikes on Rafah on Sunday, May 26, led to the death of 45 people in the fire of a camp for displaced Palestinians. Israel claims to have targeted senior representatives of Hamas there but the strike was aimed at a “humanitarian zone”. Anas, originally from northern Gaza, settled several weeks ago in Rafah, in what was then a makeshift camp. He recounts what he experienced and saw during this strike.

“What saved me from death ? I was protected by a zinc sheet. My tent burned to the ground. My mattress, my clothes, everything burned. I lost what little I had.”, says Anas. But he also describes the human horror he witnessed. “Around me, I saw people in pieces. Four of my cousins ​​were injured. It was carnage. I pulled out tattered corpses from the rubble.”

“I smelled the charred bodies. They grilled human beings like chickens.”

Anas, survivor of the May 26 strike on Rafah

at franceinfo

The international community unanimously condemned this strike. The International Court of Justice also ordered an end to military operations in Rafah. An indignation without consequences since only a few kilometers, to the east and in the center of Rafah, the Israeli army continues to bomb a town still inhabited by half a million civilians.

Youssef, displaced from Deir el-Balah, further north in the Gaza Strip, moved closer to the combat zone on Tuesday. He explains that, over the last two days, it is mainly on Rafah that attention is focused. “We tried to go there because we have friends there. I lost a friend in Rafah, very close to where I lived. The scene is horrible.” According to Youssef, his friend was hit by an Israeli drone while leaving the Kuwaiti hospital, in the heart of Rafah.

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