the term “manslaughter” requalified as “road homicide”


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

franceinfo – A. Vallee, L. Dulais

France Televisions

At the call of several associations of road accident victims, the term “road homicide” will replace that of “manslaughter”. An insufficient measure for these same associations, because the penalties will remain the same.

It was a demand from associations of victims of road accidents. The appellation “manslaughter”used when a death is caused by a motorist, will be reclassified as “road homicide”. A penal modification for any accident under the influence of alcohol and narcotics. “We have everything we need to apply penalties. If the semantics can motivate certain judges or others to apply them, it will be a good thing. It is a request from the associations and we must hear them and respond to it”explains Yves Carra, spokesperson for the Mobility Club France association.

“We need a Marshall plan”

A new highly symbolic qualification after the Pierre Palmade affair, last February, where the actor was positive for cocaine. Or after the death of three police officers on duty near Roubaix (North), in a frontal collision with a young motorist, who also died under the influence of alcohol and narcotics. But, for some victims’ associations, these government measures are anecdotal and must go further. “If we simply change the name, it will be useless. We really need a Marshall plan on road safety”, believes Norbert Pirault, spokesperson for the Victims & Citizens association. According to Matignon, the penalty incurred for a road homicide will remain unchanged. Maximum 10 years imprisonment and 150,000 euros fine.

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