“The term ‘lesion’ can also designate a contracture or a breakdown”, justifies a doctor to explain the early return of Kylian Mbappé

The PSG striker, injured on February 1 in the left thigh following contact against Montpellier, was to be absent from the field for three weeks, but has already returned to training.

His absence against Bayern Munich, Tuesday, February 14, had practically been recorded within PSG itself in early February. The day after his premature exit from Montpellier on February 1, Kylian Mbappé had “a period of unavailability (…) estimated at three weeks”, according to the press release from the Parisian club. But his recovery was faster.

According to information from Radio France, which confirms that of the teamof Parisian and RMC, the French international trained again with his club on Sunday February 12, and was even able to jog. The Parisian will be in the group that will host the Munich club for the round of 16 first leg of the Champions League on Tuesday February 14.

An express return which questions, however, from a medical point of view. Sports doctor and present within the technical staff of the JSF Nanterre basketball club, playing in Pro A, Roger Rua answered questions from franceinfo: sport.

France info: sports: Kylian Mbappé has already started to resort, is this a good sign for a quick return?

Roger Rua: It is normal that he resorted, it is part of the care. There is no waiting for healing to be complete. If he couldn’t run after ten days, it would be very worrying. There will be active work on the injured part of the player. The players I have in Nanterre, for example, never have total rest for more than a few days.

Can he play this Tuesday against Bayern Munich without consequence, despite his recent injury?

PSG remained rather vague on the quality of the injury. For reasons of ethics, medical secrecy, but also, perhaps, for questions of bluff. With the term “lesion”, we can encompass several things. If we speak of muscle damage, it is because it has been observed on imaging. The minimum time off for this type of injury is three weeks. Depending on the grade, there are four, it can be up to six to nine weeks. But it can also refer to a contracture or strain, which are minor injuries compared to a lesion.

What is the treatment protocol for this type of injury?

The difference between a professional player and the average individual is that he has daily care. We are talking about massage, electrotherapy, cryotherapy which will allow the muscle to wake up more quickly.

After the injury, there is a period of healing and rehabilitation. For Kylian Mbappé, his game system being very explosive, it is particularly dangerous to resume if the healing is not complete.

Roger Rua, sports doctor

at franceinfo: sport

Holder or replacement, what is the best strategy to reduce the risk of a relapse?

If he really has this type of injury, making him play ten minutes at the end of the match is taking as many risks as possible. It has to be very warm, it has to have a soft footing. Making him play as a starter on Tuesday is a risk but less important than bringing him in during play. If so, there was no real injury and it was just a contracture or an elongation . If Mbappé plays on Tuesday, it’s because there isn’t much.

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