Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Saturday April 9.
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Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed debate the news on Saturday 9 april.
The themes :
– War in Ukraine: Is the term “crimes against humanity” used by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, appropriate? Russian strategy ahead of May 9 national commemorations. Economic and symbolic sanctions against Russia.
– Presidential: during the reserve period, the informed question themselves about the French democratic system and the relationship of the French to politics.
The informed:
-Richard Werly, Swiss journalist, correspondent for Le Temps in Paris
– Denis Strelkovjournalist for the Russian language section of RFI
– Daniele ZappalaFranco-Italian journalist, correspondent for the daily Avvenire
– Enric Bonetcorrespondent in Paris from Público and the Catalan newspaper El Punt Avui