the tension shows between China and Taiwan



Article written by

M.Burgot, R.Miri, S. Giaume, E.Martin, C.Wang, G. Caron, B. De Saint Jore – France 2

France Televisions

It is a small island that faces a giant. Taiwan is under more pressure and provocations than ever from its great rival, China. Beijing does not hide its intentions to recover the state.

Images provided by the People’s Liberation Army of China very clearly show members of the Chinese military imitating D-Day on the beaches of Taiwan. These images are indeed a life-size training. They were not filmed in Taiwan but it symbolizes the will of Beijing (China) to take back this territory. At the beginning of October, 150 Chinese planes actually entered the Taiwan defense air zone.

Taiwan has become the epicenter of all the tensions. To obtain this territory, will the Chinese leader go so far as to provoke an armed conflict? “China plans to show its muscles. It is a nationalist show of force aimed at both the Chinese and Taiwanese populations. The Chinese also want to convince that they are ready to go to war to reclaim the island“, analyzes Antoine Bondaz, specialist in China and member of the Foundation for Strategic Research.

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