the tension escalates between Belarus and Poland


France 2

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Thousands of migrants are still stranded at the border between Belarus and Poland. Tension is mounting between the two countries.

In front of the fence and the barbed wire that separate Belarus from Poland, migrant camps, occupied mainly by Kurds from the Middle East, have been set up, as in Grodno. “We don’t want to go to Poland, we want to go to Germany (…). Everyone here, children, women, everyone wants to go there“, confides a migrant in front of the cameras.

For several days, the Polish army, deployed in large numbers, has prohibited access to its territory. For Warsaw, Belarus and its president, Alexander Lukashenko, are responsible for the fate of these migrants. In front of the deputies, the Prime Minister even went even further. “Lukashenko started hostilities, asserted Mateusz Morawiecki. But the one who ordered these acts is in Moscow. This is President Putin“President Lukashenko assured that he was not looking for confrontation, in rhetoric, again, not very diplomatic.”I am not crazy, I fully understand where all this can lead us, said the head of state. We know where we belong, but neither will we kneel. “For its part, the European Union accuses Alexander Lukashenko to use the migrant crisis to better avenge the sanctions adopted after the repression carried out in his country.


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