the Télématin teams react to the announcement of TF1 and the arrival of Bruce Toussaint

In a press release released this Thursday, October 5, 2023, the TF1 channel welcomed the surprise arrival of Bruce Toussaint on its airwaves from January 2024. An announcement which means that the famous 49-year-old journalist will soon leave BFMTV where he has been working since 2018. The TF1 channel, which is currently making major changes to its programming, called on Bruce Toussaint to present “from Monday to Friday a daily morning reception meeting, which will see successive editions of information, sections on daily life, culture, the art of living and major trends“.

This means that he will become a direct competitor to Thomas Sotto and Marie Portolano who present the show Telematin every morning on France 2. The day after TF1’s announcement, some are already taking a dim view of this new show but are pleased to have been pioneers. In the columns of Le Parisien, an employee of the France Télévisions program said: “Exactly what we have been doing for almost 40 years…” by evoking TF1’s projects. Enough to show that war has already been declared.

This announcement visibly annoyed several figures in journalism. Former CNEWS journalist Eric Morillot did not hesitate to tackle Bruce Toussaint by declaring this Friday, October 6, 2023: “Regardless of ideology, it still remains fascinating to see journalists who have only had audience flops wherever they go continue to be promoted from channel to channel. Respect. At one time we rewarded success but that was before…”.

Just before, it was Anne Nivat whose husband Jean-Jacques Bourdin had fired BFMTV who also let his anger burst out. “But WHAT is happening at BFMTV, it’s a real rout! What an atmosphere, TV is still a serious thing…. A real responsibility! It hurts my heart to see everyone leave this channel which was, when it was created, so innovative…” she lamented.


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