the teachers’ unions challenge the Minister of National Education

“The findings are there, what we want now are emergency measures for the next school year”, martelle Anabel Roy is regional co-secretary of Unsa-Education and departmental secretary of SE-Unsa of Haute-Vienne. On June 15, the Se-UNSA primary and secondary unions in Limoges wrote to the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye to alert on the situation of the shortage of teachers. This letter follows the government’s requests for a “great consultation”, in order to establish the shortcomings. “VSthey have been denounced for years, especially since the Blanker quinquennium. So now we invite him to come and see, on the ground, in our schools, the management of a shortage. “

A lack in the first degree

In Haute-Vienne, primary education mainly bears the brunt of this shortage: “This year, we noted an average of sixty non-replaced classes _per day_warns Anabel Roy. “That is equivalent to 1500 children without a teacher in front of them.”

The analyzes communicated by the UNSA, estimate the needs for teachers of the first degree to 150 in the three departments : 30 in Corrèze, 30 in Creuse, and 90 in Haute-Vienne, which includes three-quarters of the establishments of the academy.

A particularly significant situation in rural areas, where schools are smaller, and therefore more fragile. Only one absent teacher represents “25 students on the bench”, specifies the departmental secretary of the SE-UNSA. Distributed in the classes in emergency, the classes then swell quickly up to forty students.

We are witnessing a great suffering, a great malaise of all these teachers.

Through this letter, the teachers also seek to challenge the parents of students. “The result of this shortage is a school that is less well done, and that, throughout the establishment”, deplores Pierre Gautret, regional co-secretary of Unsa-Education. “We find ourselves with children sitting at the back of the class in a level that is not theirs… And we are witnessing great suffering from all these teachers who absorb the shortages.”

A shock of attraction

It is especially for the start of the 2022 school year that the unions are alarmed. They invite the Minister of National Education to come and meet them in the field in the hope of causing an electric shock. “We want a shock of attractiveness for our job: raise salaries, rework working conditions, support for students.”

“We have never seen such a catastrophic situation in the Academy”, punctuates Pierre Gautret.

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