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On October 2, 2022, “Sunday in politics” receives Sandrine Rousseau, Member of Parliament for Europe Ecology-The Greens of Paris. She is questioned by Francis Letellier, with a “carte blanche” to Nathalie Mauret, political journalist at the press group EBRA.
The 2,600 Camaïeu employees in France will find themselves unemployed on Monday 3 October. “The very example of the government’s complete abandonment of ecological transformation”, according to Sandrine Rousseau, deputy Europe Ecology-The Greens (EELV) from Paris, present, Sunday, October 2, on the set of Sunday in politics. “We let the logistics platforms develop in order to be able to order on the Internet (…) and we did not support the ecological transformation of a company like Camaïeu”she laments, emphasizing the need “to support these businesses.
Regarding the law on unemployment insurance, which will be debated from Monday 3 in the National Assembly, which the NUPES will oppose, Sandrine Rousseau believes that she is not “condemned to impotence“.”There is no need for this unemployment reform“, she adds, emphasizing the revaluation of jobs and wages. As for the rise in energy costs, Sandrine Rousseau castigates a “abandonment of government” on “a major issue“.
She recalls that 4.8 million homes are energy sieves, and that 12 million people live in fuel poverty. Finally, according to MP EELV, lhe tariff shield is “a bandage on a wooden leg“. “We should put all the means at our disposal today to make this ecological shift.“, says Sandrine Rousseau.