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Rising electricity and gas prices are worrying the French. Minister Delegate for Public Accounts Gabriel Attal announced that the tariff shield would be maintained in 2023. Journalist Sandrine Feydel was on set to take stock of what we know about this measure.
It’s a breath of fresh air for the purchasing power of French households, the tariff shield will be maintained in 2023. “Without this shield, the increase in gas and electricity prices would be at least 100% next year! That is an increase of 120 euros on average per month and per household“, emphasizes Sandrine Feydel. “We do not yet know the details of this new shield, but the government assures that it will be better than in Germany where the increase will be limited to 40%. At this stage, we can only make assumptions. With an increase limited to 30%, the average bill would increase by €36. With a 10% shield, it would be €12“, adds the journalist.
The question then is who would qualify. “As with the current shield, all French people will benefit from it. With, it is at the reflection stage, an additional measure for the most modest, of the energy check type“, announces Sandrine Feydel. A measure that will weigh on public finances. “The measures taken this year to contain electricity and gas prices have already cost 16.5 billion to public finances. But these new measures are likely to cost even more. It’s a balancing act. Do not derail the bills of the French without derailing the public accounts… The equation is delicate“, she concludes.