The target for orphan patients has been reached

Quebec family doctors had to collectively take care of 250,000 orphan patients by July 31. They have exceeded this target, says the Federation of General Practitioners of Quebec (FMOQ). According to the professional union, 288,709 Quebecers are now registered with a group of doctors.

In a press release, the FMOQ is delighted that its members have, “despite a significant shortage of staff, a seventh pandemic wave and tasks in the hospital environment which are still as important”, respected the central commitment of the agreement concluded with the government. Legault last May.

By March 31, 2023, family doctors will have to care for 250,000 other Quebecers registered with the family doctor access window (GAMF). All of these orphan patients will have to contact the first line access point (GAP) in their region to obtain a medical consultation. Staff will triage and determine which professional can treat them.

The duty has been trying since last week to obtain from the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) the number of patients registered with a group of physicians as of July 31. Several sources, including the president of the FMOQ, had told the To have to that the target of 250,000 had been reached.

Last Friday, the MSSS still did not confirm this information. “All necessary means have been deployed to achieve the objective of registering 250,000 patients by July 31, we wrote to the To have to. That said, before confirming that the objective has been achieved, we must compile it. The process is currently underway. »

Relaunched on Monday, the ministry still said it did not have this data.

The front-line access counter (GAP) was launched in June in all regions of Quebec. It was fully deployed in 54 of the 92 local service networks as of July 28.

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