Negotiations to end plastic pollution start this Saturday at Unesco in Paris. Under the aegis of the United Nations, the discussions must lead to the establishment by the end of 2024 of a legally binding international treaty.
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You have to expand “the international polluter-pays principle”, estimated Saturday May 27 on franceinfo Romain Troublé, general manager of the Tara Ocean Foundation. Negotiators from 175 states are meeting this Saturday at UNESCO, in Paris, for a second session of discussions out of five, in order to develop a treaty to put an end to plastic pollution.
>>> Plastic pollution: we explain the negotiations that open Monday in Paris
“Those who place plastic products on the market or whose packaging is made of plastic” must “pay a contribution to finance the treatment of this waste”pleads Romain Troublé because he continues, “we cannot deal with the management of this waste alone”.
“Today any alternative to plastic is not economically viable.”
Roman Troubledfranceinfo
The Tara Ocean Foundation also hopes that this treaty will ratify the decline in plastic production: “We must also ban those that are toxic and not recyclable”, assures Romain Troubled. As for changes in practices, the director of the foundation believes that this treaty must also “creates an economic interest” for businesses to stop using plastic.
>>> Plastic pollution of the world’s oceans has reached “unprecedented levels”, according to a study
Romain Troublé hopes for a fairly “ambitious” And “restrictive”, up to the challenge. The annual production of plastic “has only been increasing for 70 years”he laments, “non-stop! We are at 460 million tonnes and forecasts predict a tripling of this figure by 2060”.