“the sword of Damocles” on the Saint-Nicolas market in Nancy

The Saint-Nicolas chalets in Nancy are preparing to open this Friday, November 19 for a month and a half. But in this context of recrudescence of the Covid-19 epidemic, the president of Vitrines de Nancy, Sébastien Duchowicz, does not hide his concern. “We got that sword of Damocles above us“, says the trader. “The fear is that the health situation will deteriorate in the days and weeks to come.”

Controlled sanitary pass to consume

On the spot, hydroalcoholic gel will be made available and wearing a mask will be compulsory. But visitors can remove it to eat. “The health pass will be requested from all food traders. If you want to consume, it will have to be presented, like in a restaurant,“explains Sébastien Duchowicz.

Depending on the evolution of the epidemic, traders in the Saint-Nicolas market may have to adapt. “We know very well that we will have regular working meetings with the prefecture and the City of Nancy. We fear a return of the curfew, which could penalize all the gourmet villages, or the request for a health pass to access each site.

For Sébastien Duchowicz, these measures risk penalizing traders, who already had to pass their turn last year. “At our level, we will not be able to carry out complete sanitary security of each site, alone. It will require real support from communities“, finally warns the president of Vitrines de Nancy.

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