The sweating problems of Diane Leyre alias Miss France 2022…

You can look perfect, and still have some flaws. If some prefer to hide them, Diane Leyre, she is not afraid to reveal them and display them in broad daylight. A gesture that we can salute and which can help to free some people living with complexes on a daily basis, seeing that even the most beautiful in France is not perfect and has to deal with physical concerns. In any case, this is what Miss France 2022 implied on her Instagram account on Thursday, January 27.

Diane Leyre has a habit of revealing her daily life, and in particular her intensive sports sessions. The pretty brunette proving that, even after having won the title of beauty queen, does not let herself go, far from it. It was precisely during a new intensive sports session that the beauty made a great revelation to her community. By openly discussing… his perspiration concerns.

“I wanted to add two things: before, I often blamed myself when my session was worse than the day before. I know there are many of us like that. Now I always tell myself that it’s always better than staying on his sofa so I can be proud to have gone there. You have to listen to your body, it has the right to be less fit”she first revealed before making THE revelation: “When I was younger, I didn’t dare to do sports in public because I tend to sweat a lot when I do cardio”. Diane Leyre continuing by relativizing: “now, I tell myself that if my body sweats, it’s because it needs it! It’s natural. And then I have this feeling of having worked well. I stop stopping on judgment others, I live for myself!”. A revelation that only a minority would have dared to admit. Congratulations to Miss France 2022 for her honesty, which should help the most complex people.


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