the suspect first wanted to kill foreigners in Saint-Denis on Friday, according to the prosecution

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12:21 p.m. : At this time, the respondent remains hospitalized in the psychiatric infirmary of the police headquarters, concludes Laure Beccuau, the public prosecutor of Paris. Follow our live.

12:23 p.m. : According to the Paris prosecutor’s office, “this relation of facts is corroborated by the discovery of a ticket relating to a journey from Saint-Denis at 6:50 a.m., and by the start of the exploitation of video protection images”.

12:27 : The individual, who recognized a “hatred of foreigners has become completely pathological”, explained that he attacked victims he did not know. He said he was angry with the Kurds for having “made prisoners during their fight against Daesh instead of killing them”. He also claimed not to have fixed the number of victims in advance but “having intended to use all the ammunition and commit suicide with the last bullet” .

12:04 : On the spot, he finally gave up taking action, “given the few people present and in because of his dress preventing him from reloading his weapon easily.”

12:24 p.m. : In police custody, the suspect explained that he first went early Friday morning to Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) to commit murder on foreign persons”.

12:01 : Five of the six victims are of Turkish nationality, the sixth is of French nationality. The three injured victims are now out of danger. Two of them, injured in the thigh, are still hospitalized, reports the Paris prosecutor’s office.

11:59 : The individual has “continued his progression to the hairdresser-barber located at n°7 of the same street, where he wounded three men by bullets.” “Subdued and disarmed by one of the victims”, he was arrested in possession of his weapon, four magazines containing a total of 14 ammunition, a box of 25 ammunition, and a bag containing a glove.

1:20 p.m. : The Paris prosecutor’s office is communicating at the moment on the course of the racist attack against Kurds in Paris two days ago. Investigations reveal at this stage that the shooter opened fire “successively on a woman and two men present in front of the Kurdish cultural center located at 16 rue d’Enghien”.

Two victims died instantly, the third died “after taking refuge in a Kurdish restaurant across the street.”

11:26 : Clashes erupted yesterday during demonstrations in tribute to the victims of the racist attack in Paris. The spokesman and special adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is directly targeting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). “It’s the PKK in France”wrote on Twitter Ibrahim Kalin who also posted photos of overturned and burned cars. “The same terrorist organization you support in Syria.”

10:28 : @Gilles : you have to talk about the suspect in the attack that killed three Kurds in the 10th arrondissement in Paris on Friday. The 69-year-old man is no longer in custody for health reasons. He was hospitalized in the psychiatric infirmary of the police headquarters.

10:26 : Hello, where is the Paris suspect at the moment?

10:41 a.m. : Here is a first reminder of the news to accompany your coffee:

• Investigators are continuing their investigations today after the murder of three Kurds two days ago in Paris. The suspect’s custody was lifted for health reasons. He was taken to the psychiatric infirmary of the police headquarters.

• Yesterday, violent clashes erupted on the sidelines of demonstrations in tribute to the victims in the capital and in Marseille.

Volodymyr Zelensky denounces an act of “terror” Russian for “intimidate” Ukrainians, after a bombardment on downtown Kherson yesterday left at least 10 dead and 55 injured. Follow our live.

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