the surprising confidences of Michel Drucker in the face of death

In September 2020, Michel Drucker entered the hospital to undergo a heart operation. If the intervention had gone well, the convalescence of the facilitator turned into a nightmare and resulted in him being close to death and having another operation.

“Bacteria started from a tooth (…) This bacteria migrated on the valve, it infected part of the heart, causing sepsis, it affected the kidney, the spleen … And I can say it now, there were two small bleeds in the brain which were worrying. Yes, I was close to death and close to amputation, because the bacteria had blocked the artery in the right leg, which was starting to necrose, and within a few days near we would probably have amputated. “ revealed the 78-year-old man live on TPMP last May.

Still in shock to have narrowly escaped death a year after this tragic experience, Michel Drucker continues to confide in his hospital stay. The host this time made several confidences in the heart of an interview with the Yahoo site. The opportunity for him to come back to his feelings about death: “So me when I was on the edge of the abyss with a somewhat compromised vital prognosis, I thought about it and often people ask me: ‘You went through the looking glass. seen ?”.

“I’m not a believer”
“I didn’t see anything but I said to myself: ‘If I ever go to the other side, well it’s like Bernard Tapie said,’ it doesn’t matter ‘” (…) So I tell myself that if I pass the weapon to the left, I cross the mirror, I will perhaps have the enormous surprise to find Romy Schneider, Mireile Darc and Jean Gabin “ he continues.

The one who quickly returned to work after leaving the hospital then explains that he saw things as a renewal: “I am not a believer and yet when things were going very, very badly for the first time in my life when I thought that I would not come back or in any case very diminished, I said to myself ‘But after all, it will be the start of a new adventure ‘”.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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