the surprising confessions of Nagui on his status as a seducer

Like Michel Drucker or Jean-Luc Reichmann, Nagui is one of the animators with a prosperous and busy career on television. For 37 years, the presenter of the programs “Don’t forget the lyrics”, “Taratatata” and “Everyone wants to take their place” has appeared on our small screens.

And if he was for a long time complexed by his physique during his adolescence, the famous animator did not fail to take his revenge at the beginning of his career when he began to know the glory. “TV did not make me beautiful, but … charming” he explained in the columns of Paris Match in 2016. “I fell for it. I used this charm to multiply dredges and conquests.” he added. Words transcribed in the book “Nagui, a child of the TV” written by the journalist René Chiche.

Following her period of seduction, Nagui found THE woman of his life in the person of Mélanie Page, whom he met in 1999. “With Mélanie, I realized what it really meant (Editor’s note: to be in love). Today after sixteen years of living together, I do not plan to spend a night without her” now declares the host about the one who gave him three children named Roxane, Annabelle and Adrien. “If I have to be away from Paris, I take a plane late at night to join her.[…] We can’t stand to be one without the other. “ admits the host, in love as on the first day.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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