the surprising amount of Jean Lassalle’s aid check revealed

On Sunday April 10, 2022, French citizens went to the polls to vote among the 12 candidates running in the presidential election. Race results, it is Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen who will compete for the second round. The current president won 27.8% of the votes while the RN candidate counted 23.1% of the votes. Just behind her, Jean-Luc Mélenchon comes in third position, followed by Éric Zemmour and Valérie Pécresse.

A disappointment for the candidate of the Les Républicains party who, since the results, has been in a precarious financial situation. ” We did not reach the 5% of votes that would allow us to obtain the seven million euros in reimbursement that we expected […] I am in debt to the tune of 5 million euros. This morning I am launching a national appeal for donations. I need your urgent help by May 15th “, declared the wife of Jérôme Pécresse.

A generous check for 10 euros

A call for donations which did not fail to make its opponents react. According to the latest information shared by TF1 info, many candidates would then have made the decision to participate in this fundraiser. ” We often need someone smaller than ourselves “wrote the first channel on his Instagram account. And to continue: Earlier this week, Jean Lassalle announced that he was going to send financial aid to three candidates facing financial difficulties after the first round of the presidential election. Thusday,specified the amount that the parties of Valérie Pécresse (LR), Anne Hidalgo (PS) and Yannick Jadot (EELV) will receive to help them reimburse their campaign costs. The three former suitors at the Élysée will each receive the sum of €10. “For his part, Philippe Poutou also wishes to support his colleague. ” To help my ex-colleague Pécresse who is facing major financial difficulties, linked to an overestimation of his abilities, if it can help him, I would like to lend him my 308 for a few days. “, he launched on Twitter. What generosity!


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