The surgeon who sold the radio of a survivor of the Bataclan attack recognizes “an error”

A surgeon at the Pompidou hospital has put up for sale on a website an X-ray of a victim from November 13, 2015. He recognizes Sunday with franceinfo “an error” and says he is “sorry for the victims”. The director general of the AP-HP announced on Saturday that he wanted to seize the council of the order.

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The Paris Hospitals surgeon who sold the radio of a survivor of the Bataclan attack on November 13, 2015, contacted by franceinfo, acknowledges “a mistake” and ensures that he did not seek to make money with it.

The announcement, still online on the Opensea website, was posted by this doctor from the Georges Pompidou hospital. You can see a “open fracture of the left forearm with a Kalashnikov bullet”, he says in the description, specifying that it is “of a young patient who has lost her companion”, the night of November 13, 2015.

Joined Sunday evening by franceinfo, the surgeon recognizes “a mistake” and says to himself “sorry for the victims”. However, he denies having intended to sell the radio, claiming to have awarded it a price (2776.70 dollars) only at the request of the website, before deleting it once the case was discovered.

“Any patient who would see his x-rays sold on the net would be shocked, reacts on franceinfo Arthur Dénouveaux, president of the association of victims of the bataclan Life For Paris, but in addition we have this morbid fascination for November 13 which continues. To see that such ideas can spring from such a tragedy is extremely shocking.”. The survivor concerned has been informed and wishes to remain anonymous. “She wants to think calmly about the follow-up to be given to this case, possibly legal”, specifies the president of the association Life For Paris at the microphone of franceinfo.

The director general of the AP-HP, Martin Hirsch, indicated on Saturday evening his intention to seize the council of the order and to make a report to justice, in an email to the employees of the Hôpitaux de Paris that he also posted on social media. “This act is unethical” and “challenges medical secrecy”, deplores the boss of the AP-HP.

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