The supposed hidden son of Charles III and Camilla has finally come out of the silence!

A story that does not date from yesterday… Hardly had he ascended the throne, Charles III already had to face many problems and these did not really concern the country he ruled but rather his own person. A few days ago, a strange tweet resurfaced after Queen Elizabeth II left this world on September 8th. A surfer named Logan Smith had precisely predicted this death on July 6… Worse still, according to him, Charles III should also pass the weapon to the left on March 28, 2026…

If these predictions are cold in the back, Charles III did not wish to react to this announcement. On the other hand, he could well take the floor to respond to Simon Dorante-Day, an Australian now aged 56, who assured, in 2016, to be the hidden son of the new king of England. According to him, it would be his adoptive grandmother who revealed to him that he was the son of Camilla’s companion. Despite his many attempts, he would never have had an answer from his supposed father and this would start to annoy him as he confided in 7News.

Member of the crown?

“It’s hard not to see Charles appointing William Prince of Wales as anything other than a punch in the face. I don’t want to feel that way, but it is.”he first let it be known before continuing: “I think the least he could do is give me an answer, recognize me. He gives William a title but where is my answer? […] If you’re not my father, then prove it! I feel rejected. Charles got what he wanted: he has the throne, he has his wife, he has everything. I don’t even want the truth about my mother”.

Simon Dorante-Day does not intend to sit idly by. In the rest of his interview, he claims to have asked a judge to obtain a DNA test. “There was a discussion between a judge, me and his lawyer about Charles’ rights and whether or not the monarch is above the law. And the answer is no, I was told they don’t see why he would be. And neither is Camilla and her family.”he finally concluded.

See also: Death of Queen Elizabeth II: Vladimir Putin breaks the silence, the astonishing words of the Russian President!


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