“The sums at stake are astronomical”, warns Bruno Cavagné, the president of the National Federation of Public Works

Will public works become greener? Eco guest of franceinfo Tuesday February 22, Bruno Cavagné, the president of the National Federation of Public Works (FNTP), calls on the presidential candidates to mobilize: “How do we go from words to actions, when we see the astronomical sums that will have to be put into play?“.

This Thursday, February 24, in Paris, the FNTP will bring together most of the presidential candidates. It will submit to them a study carried out with the OFCE and with Carbone 4, a firm specializing in climate issues. According to this study, infrastructures, in their use, account for half of carbon emissions in France. “We didn’t think it was that much.”recognizes Bruno Cavagné.

The president of the FNTP puts forward solutions to reduce this footprint: “It is the practice that must change. It can be cycle paths, it can be electric charging stations, on which we are very late“. The leader also sets the example of “islands of freshness“that must be created in the city and”carbon sink“, to generalize. The representative of the sector wants to draw attention to the investments to be made.

We did two scenarios, one at 16 billion more per year, and one at 30 billion (…) These are lifestyle choices, societal choices.

Bruno Cavagné, president of the FNTP

on franceinfo

The amounts involved are “astronomical“, he says. But the subject is crucial and the candidates must seize it, according to their priorities.”Do we agree on the statement? I think almost all of them will be. But what deadline do we give ourselves? Who funds? Is it public or private money? All the candidates do not have the same approach, neither on the impact of the ecological transition, nor on the financing that must be put in place. This is the debate we are going to have with them“.

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