the summary of Toulouse’s demonstration in the final against Nantes


Video length: 9 mins.


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Sixty-six years later, Téfécé won its second Coupe de France by crushing FC Nantes.

It’s a final that will go down in history. Not for the quality of play, but for the lunar scenario which led Toulouse to its second Coupe de France, Saturday April 29, after a crazy final against Nantes (5-1). Faced with Nantes defending champions, but completely missed out on their meeting, the Toulouse people did not have feelings.

After 33 minutes of play, they were already leading 4-0, thanks to an incredible first half hour of realism. Head underwater, the Canaries were overwhelmed by the purple waves, which quickly broke the dikes. In ten minutes, Logan Costa scored a double header, he the defender who rarely plays in the league. TFC striker Dallinga also went there with his double. Nantes saved the honor with a penalty from Ludovic Blas (75th), but Toulouse’s fifth goal signed Zakaria Aboukhlal sounded the death knell for Nantes’ meager hopes of a comeback. Toulouse was simply too strong for the Canaries who will have to get up quickly to save their place in Ligue 1.

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