the summary of the first victory of the Blues in the Six Nations Tournament


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Fabien Galthié’s players beat Italy with the offensive bonus (37-10) on Sunday.

To the famous maxim “whatever the bottle, provided there is drunkenness”, the staff of the XV of France would be tempted to say “whatever the way, provided there is the enhanced victory”. Against Italy, Sunday February 6, the French did not succeed in their entry into the running in the Six Nations Tournament. They even experienced many difficulties in getting rid of a limited but catchy Italian team.

To achieve their ends, Antoine Dupont’s teammates were able to count on a great Gabin Villière. Author of a hat-trick, the Toulon winger proved untenable on his wing as in the current game, offering himself regularly in contact with his teammates. It was precisely in support of Grégory Alldritt that the man with the red helmet signed his second try of the meeting, mystifying his transalpine counterpart in the process.


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