the Suez Canal heavily penalized


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Houthi attacks in the Red Sea: the Suez Canal heavily penalized

Houthi attacks in the Red Sea: the Suez Canal heavily penalized – (FRANCE 2)

Due to attacks by Houthi rebels, many shipowners are avoiding passing through the Suez Canal, which normally represents 12 to 15% of global traffic. The economic consequences are already being felt.

On Monday February 19, an American drone was shot down by Houthi rebels over Yemen. Since November, the latter have increased attacks against ships passing through the Red Sea, in solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The United States and the United Kingdom established a multinational maritime protection force in December. But in four months of attacks, the economic consequences are already being felt.

EU announces its own protection mission

According to the European Union, 12 to 15% of global traffic passes through the Suez Canal. As a precaution, many shipowners prefer to bypass Africa. This decision could impact the price of goods. The US military said it carried out five self-defense strikes against Houthi missiles on Monday. For its part, the European Union announced its own protection mission in the region.

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