the success of the 3D printed house


Video length: 2 min

United States: the success of the 3D printed house

In three American states, 3D printed housing estates are emerging. This is the first time that a construction program using this technology has been carried out on such a large scale. – (France 2)

In three American states, 3D printed housing estates are emerging. This is the first time that a construction program using this technology has been carried out on such a large scale.

From a distance it looks like a construction site like any other, but on closer inspection, workers have been replaced by gigantic 3D printers. They lay down the concrete layer after layer to build the walls. This technique allows you to build much faster. A promoter of the ICON company explains that it is necessary to count “five to seven weeks of constructionnot” whereas a classic house requires six to nine months of work. Printers are also a solution to deal with labor shortages. Projects and techniques are multiplying.

More ecological, more economical?

A California company prints the walls in the factory with a mixture of recycled glass, minerals and resin, the prefabricated house is then brought to site and assembled. According to the manufacturer, “it eliminates 95% of the waste in conventional construction”. Less waste, less labor, and therefore more affordables for buyers. Lhe 3D houses are a hope in the face of the housing crisis in the United States where there is a shortage of more than 3 million homes to meet demand.

source site-29